Good days...

We all have our good days, not so good, and better days. Getting to know people in our new ward has been kind of hard since most all are new, being a newly formed ward and all, and I felt like I'd meet someone, have a good conversation then the next time I saw them I didn't remember their name. Well, today was a good day at church. I met my visiting teaching companion and she seems awesome. I'm grateful for the inspired sister who paired us together. Then I stepped out of my comfort zone and sat by someone in relief society and introduced myself. Little did I know that she had just received her visiting teaching route and I am on her list. I don't think I could ask for a better visiting teacher. She made me feel so welcome and comfortable. We had dinner with three other couples in our ward a couple weeks ago to better get to know others in the ward. Its made it easier to know someone i see at church and be able to visit. Our records were read into the ward today and I really felt the spirit in relief society which made me happy the rest of the day. I feel like I am finally making head way. Good feelings for the day. :)


  1. That's neat!! I'm soo happy for ya!

  2. You know I had a similar experience like that when I was in Oregon. And she became, (my VT companion) a most wonderful friend while I was there. It's such a wonderful to know that you are where you are suppose to be, and the Lord will work through you to be an angel to others! I'm so happy for you Lisa :)


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