The Tour

Ok, here are some pics of our new home. 
We love it and the kids love it so much which makes it even better.

Downstairs bedroom/den 
which obviously needs a lot of work. But it looks tons better. It used to be full of boxes and things that I hadn't decided where to put yet. Now it's a room that can be walked in to.

Great Room

View of Great Room from entrance from hall to garage

Downstairs Bathroom

Downstairs/ Main Bathroom

Great Room and kitchen

Kitchen...I love it! The other day the kids and I made cookies and when it was cleanup time, I could fit the entire cookie sheet into my giant sink to wash it. Just one of the many perks I love about my kitchen.

Dining Room...laugh all you want. I know my furniture looks dwarfed by the size of the room. Some day in the future we will get a larger table and a real buffet instead of my small console table.  For now, it's a room to put the furniture in.

Girls' Room...we will eventually split them up and give them their own rooms. They are kind of on the fence about it now. Some days they like the idea but most times they enjoy sharing. In the mean time, we have a room for the toys until they split up.

Boys' Room

Laundry having it upstairs!

Master Bath

Master Bath Vanity...and TV :)

Master Soaking Tub. I LOVE to soak in it!

Master Bedroom

Hallway down to guest bath, bedroom, and loft

Loft/Family Room

Loft/Family Room

Bedroom/Mainly Toy Room
It's not always this messy but I took the pic while kids were there playing.
 We've had a couple visitors stay the night in this room.

Guest Bath

We had the toilet and tub have a separate door so someone could still use the sink for washing or brushing teeth while the water closet's in use.

View from guest bath out to hall/entry

View of Entry from above


There you have it. Hope you enjoyed it as much as me....ok I know I enjoy this more. :)
There's still a lot more I want to do to furnish the house. Put up more window treatments, pictures, decorations, furniture..but it's nothing pressing and it'll be fun to do as time goes on. Same with painting some of the bedrooms and such.
 We love our neighborhood, being next to the church, closer to Jaime's work, and having so many kids around to play with our kids, and friendly neighbors. I have now met everyone who lives around our house and plenty more down the road. It's growing so fast too. We already have friends who will be building a house down the road. 


  1. Wow Lisa, your home is SO beautiful. I bet you are so happy!
    So sorry we lost contact for a bit. :) Leave me a comment with your email address, or send me an email at raehope1ATgmailDOTcom so we can catch up.

  2. What a beautiful home! So happy for you guys!

  3. LOVE the new furniture!! You did such a good job with colors, your home is beautiful :)


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