Marriage pro? Me?

I wrote this a couple weeks ago....guess I'll post it now. :)

Last night the 1st counselor of the bishopric came by to visit with Jaime and I. We figured it was about a new calling but I couldn't have prepared myself for this. He asked Jaime and I if we'd team teach the marriage and family relations class. Us?! Me!?! That was my thinking. Jaime gladly accepted. I on the other hand was dumbfounded...good term considering I feel rather dumb and inexperienced to teach this. We attended the class ourselves and thought the couple teaching was great. Everyone did! They've been married a long time and have grown up kids with families of their own. This couple could give examples and experiences from their lives involving young childten, teenagers, and life as empty nesters. They have years of experience, not only as parents but also at teaching. He's been a bishop and stake president. Jaime and I have barely been married for 9 1/2 years. I'm not sure how well I can teach a couple whose kids are all moved out! There are quite a few young couples in our ward as well and I worry that they could be better taught by someone else. This is really weighing on me even though we were told they'd wait until the beginning of August for us to start the class because we will miss most Sundays in July due to vacations. But still, gives me plenty of time to mull it over and FREAK OUT! Here it is 4:35 a.m. on Friday June 1st just after being issued the call last night. I can tell you there will be a lot of sleepless nights as I prepare for the lessons. For some reason they were inspired to call us and there must be something I can teach this class and I'm sure I have plenty to learn and will learn as I study. Maybe that's why I'm called to this position but it's no comfort. We have big shoes to fill and I only pray I can give the lessons the way the Lord wants them to be taught.


  1. You guys will do just awesome at this!! Ben and I taught a gospel doctrine class together when we were first married. I was feeling a lot like you, but it turned out to be a really neat experience! And whenever a hard question was asked, I turned it over to Ben!!:0) Wish we could be there to take your class! Good luck!!

  2. Whoa, I would definitely be intimidated as well, but you and Jaime will do great. You guys have an awesome marriage, and you also have a different perspective than the previous couple that was teaching, which may help someone attending the class. Just follow the spirit and there won't anything to worry about ;-)

  3. How wonderful! yes, the Lord knew what he was doing when he had inspired the bishop to call you guys to that calling. I have always loved how you and Jaime worked together :). This calling will not only bless others as you teach but YOU also! Teaching is the best way to learn.


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