Summer Break is Here!

Finally the kids are on summer break because they had so many snow days to make up at the end of the year in June. I'm happy to hear that the district will work snow days in to the actual school year rather than tack them on at the end of the year this next school year.
The kids are excited for school to be out for the summer. To be honest, me too. I like being able to not have to rush and make sure the girls are getting ready. Now they can get up and take their time getting dressed AFTER breakfast. I usually get up around 6:30 or 7 to exercise before I get the kids breakfast. But this past week I haven't started my exercises till around 8 or 9!

So now the summer fun can begin as we enjoy the warmer weather.

Aidan and Olivia swimming at Grandma's.
Olivia looks like a little fish as she keeps going under water.
Aidan is trying to get brave and put his face in the water.
He'll get there. He can get up to his mouth and nose in.

Tyler loves the water. He really wears me out. He's constantly out of the pool just to jump
right back in. You better be watching or he jumps in and plummets under. Amazingly,
he knows how to hold his breath. 

Lindsey is at home in the water. She's all over the pool and off the diving board. 

Tyler got so tuckered out he crashed on the couch. 
Poor guy asked me to lay him there.

I love the brotherly love these two have for each other.
I've seen them both kiss the other while one was asleep, like here.
When they are excited to see the other they'll give each other the most
adorable hug. They're good buddies. They were definitely meant to be 
here in our family together.

Playing on Grandma's playground

We go to the park down the road from us and play with friends.

Aidan showing me his climbing skills.

Little Tyler


We're glad to have the leisure days to do what we want.
But that won't last once Jaime's off from work for break. We have lots of trips scheduled in just the short few weeks he has off.
So there will be more to read! Stay tuned...


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