Fun with Friends

We've always liked the idea of vacationing with friends. Jaime and I have gone on a few trips with Jeremy and Carina however, we've talked about how it'd be fun to get a few families an all! Finally, we pulled it off. Let me tell you, the short weekend of July 19-21 was worth it. We stayed at a rental house on VRBO. ;) Tyler was being patient and played well with cars while he waited for his playmates to get there. Anderson's got there around 7 or so. We took a walk with them to the community beach. I love that Olivia and Alex hung back walking and talking together. It is hard for him being the only boy his age. Aidan is the next boy in line so Alex really only has girls to play with when we're together. I'm glad Olivia treats him well. They have a good friendship. Kids wanted to get wet so bad! There were a few who had wet shorts by the end of the evening. I tried to keep Craig some company while his mommy was busy. ...