This and That

Just to get you up to speed on our busy life the past month...

We took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's for a birthday party
The girls got up and danced to win free tickets for prizes.


Yeah...sometimes I can see why people ask me if these two are twins.

 Tyler has outgrown his trike and was taking Aidan's bike to ride, causing and uproar I can assure you. Instead of getting Tyler a new bike that would be the same size as Aidan's, we bought Aidan a new bike. He has room to grow with this one.
He picked out his own helmet and rode out of the store.

We've been swimming at Grandma's of course!

Tyler likes to jump off the board

There goes Lindsey!

Lindsey and Olivia did some face painting (?)

See this? yep I'm refinishing it. Here's the's now primed and waiting for some color
More on that later!

Eating out at Aunt Bel's

We did have some hard days as well. Aunt Dora had been battling cancer. We'd made quite a few visits to see her in her last days.

She's no longer battling it anymore.

She's a wonderful person!


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