Dum Dum Dah Dum...Dum Dum Dah Dum

Heading to the Portland area?! 

Burgerville's NW Chocolate Cherry shake for me Please! Oh Yeah!
On Friday June 5th Jaime and I were lucky enough to take a short overnight trip to Portland sans kids. (Thanks to his parents.) We did a bit of shopping then he dropped me off to Christy's bridal shower. Jaime went and met up with Darin, Brian, and Jeremiah, and some other guys who were together for Darin's "Bachelor Party." When did paint balling become a bachelor party? But it was a safer alternative...or was it? There were a lot of bruises and even a bloody nose!
After the bridal shower Jaime and I went out to dinner and then drove to the temple to walk around.

The last time Jaime and I came to the Portland temple together was August 30, 2003 when we were sealed together. 
But that's not why we came; although it's a good reason to go! Maybe we should go again at the end of August for say....an anniversary celebration? (Hint, hint. hahaha)
Now, back to why we are here...

 Here comes the bride. And the Groom!

Yeaaaa Darin and Christy are married!

They're so cute. A great couple.

Their wedding was absolutely beautiful! I loved the words the sealer had to share.
I don't remember what was said to Jaime and I when we first went to the temple so hearing the advice from other sealers is good for me. 

Makaela is my new niece!

Weddings make me remember how I felt when Jaime and I were first married. Sheer bliss and happiness!

Off to the luncheon after pictures.

Emily, Jeremiah, and Shelby.

I'm still crazy for this guy. I think we have the best marriage!

We were lucky to see Brian again. He made the long flight for a quick stay at Emily's to be able to go to Darin's wedding. I love it when I can hang with all my brother's and sisters.

I think they're so much fun! Lori and Brian shared a booth with us. There was lots of laughter from our table. I can laugh and joke with my family and have so much fun that most people don't see that side of me. It's true, my family is my best friends.


  1. Thanks for sharing the wedding pictures! They do make a cute couple!! I loved seeing the Open House, too. Milk and Cookie Bar has got to be the best idea!!! Love it!! Everything looked so pretty! I know Grandma thought so, too!


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