A Little Me Time

My sister Elizabeth had some classes for work down in Portland. Her husband couldn't get off work to go with her so she asked me if I'd like to go. A few days with no one else to take care of and all the time to myself? For Real?! How could I pass that up?! I didn't!

While Elizabeth was in classes I had time to watch movies, go to the gym, do my nails, nap, do some shopping. In the evenings we saw my sister Emily. We did some shopping, visiting, swimming. Just the normal fun stuff we like to do when we're together! Oh and laugh. I do enjoy a good laugh with my sisters. 

El and I went to Famous Dave's for dinner on Wednesday night. 

El's first taste of baby back ribs! My dinner was SOOOO good. 

The hotel was nice. 

I enjoyed the quiet time I had for a few days. 

Thanks for inviting me Elizabeth.

But I had to make the drive home to visit the real world again. :)
Actually I had to pack that very night for my next trip! Stay tuned, it's a good one!


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