
Uncle Dave, Aunt Chris, Jessica, Tony, and Jasmine came for a short visit last weekend. 
My girls love to play with Jasmine. Since they recently saw each other during the summer they were super excited when they found out Jasmine was coming in October. 

Fall produces...

Playing in the leaves...

and keeps them busy for a while.

We have had such warm weather the past couple weeks. Tyler looks like he's soaking in some rays but really he's standing under the leaves Lindsey was shaking off the tree...she's up there even though you can't see her. 

How cute is this! Little boy, BIG rake. :)

Dave, Jess, Tony, and Lori enjoying a bag full of jelly bellies. 

I Love my Uncle Dave. There's a spot just for him in my heart. :)

Lori, Dave, Me

Lori, Dave, Grandma, Me, Grandpa, Chris

Our good-byes Saturday evening were many and long. It's hard to say good bye sometimes. We enjoyed having them here and wished they could stay longer. Jaime and I were discussing how it'd be fun to take a trip to go see my sister in Vancouver and then head on down to visit with Dave and family there in Portland. I don't really care to travel too often so we don't go visit others much. I should probably change that, huh. :)

After they left, Jaime and I stayed a while longer to visit with Lori, my parents, and grandparents. My mom thought this view was funny. We have large TVs in the house and yet we're all crowded around a small screen on a cell phone to watch something on YouTube. Good times.


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