The Roll out of Easter 2014

Saturday was the morning egg hunt! Hunting by the shed! The kids had been practicing hiding and hunting eggs for the past week or so. When they'd have friends over they'd grab a bag of eggs and hide them so others could find them. They were eager to hunt for real treasure (hard boiled and candy filled) eggs today. We only had a little over two dozen eggs to find. You'd think in a young yard it wouldn't take long to find them all but these kiddos had to really hunt for some. And wouldn't you know it, they wished we had more to find. Maybe next year! Easter outfits!! Easter Sunday was a little different for us. Jaime had a meeting with the mission president, I sang in sacrament meeting, Olivia gave a talk in primary, and after church we went to have dinner with family in Grandview. I was grateful that Lori, Elizabeth, and Jon were able to go too. It's been a while it seems since we've had many of us together at mom's. Af...