Easter festivities

Tonight we had the wonderful blessing of having the missionaries over to have dinner with us. With Jaime's calling as Ward Mission Leader we have the elders in our home at least once a week if not more. I've really come to love and enjoy having these boys in our home. When their dinner plans get cancelled they'll call  Jaime to see if they can come here since they feel at home here. That's good to hear. We're always sad when one gets transferred but we've enjoyed the new ones who come through. Jaime makes a good connection with them. We had one elder, Elder Babers, who wanted to finish his mission here. He loved working with Jaime. But on the last transfer of his mission he was out of here. :(

So when I found out the missionaries would be here for dinner tonight I decided to make our Easter dinner in case they don't get one Sunday. I baked a ham with pineapple and a glaze, potato casserole, green beans, and crescent rolls. I even made an apple pie for dessert! These guys ate well. Makes me happy to see them comfortable enough to go for seconds. 

We put together some Easter baskets for them. We put candy in as well as some toiletries and household items they could use and some fun stuff like silly putty. They were so surprised. These pictures were taken before I got the rest of the stuff in the baskets. I wanted to make sure they were full! I wish I took a picture of them when they were handed the baskets. 

After they shared a spiritual message with us we knelt down for family prayer. The elders know the routine and have  joined in it with us many times. After the prayer we have a big group hug. Our kids love it and so do the missionaries. I think it helps them have a bit of a family feel. Elder Pesnell said that the group hug after family prayer is awesome and he's going to do that with his family. 

After the elders left, sad knowing they couldn't stay to decorate Easter eggs because they had an appointment to get to by 7:30; the kids helped me get things ready to dye eggs. 

They did such a good job! They wanted to be creative all on their own. 

They were very patient as they waited for the eggs to get to "just the right color."

I love the colors! So bright and cheery.
And now for the Easter Bunny to come and do his job. Kids can't wait!! 


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