Learning about Easter

The last couple times I asked my boys why we have Easter I didn't get the answer I wanted. Even though I'd told them about Christ's Resurrection it didn't seem to stick. So I decided to plan an FHE lesson that would help them to visualize the story. We've acted out the Christmas story multiple times so I thought maybe if they saw the Resurrection story (do we call it that? Or Easter Story? Resurrection helps kids know what Easter is. Hmmm..) they'd have something to picture to make it easier to remember. 

I had done the egg hunt with items in each egg representing the story before. This time, after the kids found the eggs I had the girls and Jaime and I take turns reading the scriptures that went with them. The boys had a hard time with listening to the scriptures but they enjoyed seeing what was in each egg like soap, crown of thorns, nails, and of course the empty egg. 

After the scripture readings I moved them to the table and gave them bread dough, and a marshmallow representing Christ's body and the cloth he was wrapped in. After doing the "anointing" of oil and spices to prepare the "body" for burial they wrapped up the marshmallow. I put them in the "tomb" to bake.

While the rolls were baking we watched the church video "The Lamb of God". They all watched very intently. The Spirit was definitely felt in our home. 

After the video was over everyone received a roll. 

They took a bite and found the role was empty!!

It was a fun and tasty object lesson. Lindsey said that it would be fun to invite someone over to do it again. I agreed and had the same thought but I wanted to make sure my object lesson would turn out before I had guests to watch. :D it's definitely a keeper lesson and we will do it again.


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