A little of this and a little of that

This and that and Spring Break - woo hoo!

I helped throw a baby shower for my friend Stephanie. 
My first diaper cake. Fun to put together!
I watched Stephanie's girls on Monday March 31st when she went to the hospital hoping to deliver. False alarm. She ended up going in on midnight April 2nd and delivered her new baby girl at 12:57 p.m. Long time to be in to deliver…well for me it is. ;) I went to visit her in the hospital and see sweet Zoey. While I was their I went to visit Tiffany who had her baby girl the day before, an April Fool's baby. I loved seeing the two newborn babes. 

Aidan still likes to pull out puzzles and put them together, over and over before he puts them away. He doesn't need help on them anymore.

I made my first baby quilt. I have a friend who's quite the quilter and learned some things from her. I'm eager to get started on another one. 

Jaime surprised us by asking if we wanted to play SORRY. We jumped at the offer since he rarely plays games. It's one of Tyler's favorite games. 

Give us a day of sunshine and no wind and the kids think it's summer. 

It was only 61 degrees out on this day! I was all for letting them get out and burn off some energy. 

Checkin' out a kids bench at Home Depot.  It's funny how this picture makes Tyler look bigger than Aidan. They both look like they've shrunk with the tall furniture behind them. 

Nerf Gun Wars with Dad and neighbors

Aidan and John
They could have done this all day. Too bad Aunt Bel and Uncle Chris came to take the kids for an overnighter. Haha, yeah that's not bad! The kids were so excited I've never seen them pick up the Nerf darts so fast. 

These kids are so spoiled by their aunt and uncle. They stopped at Target and somehow were bought a bunch of toys they'd been drooling over for some time. After shopping they went out to dinner then to Bel and Chris's house for a movie and to set up camp.

They went to the park Thursday. They look like the happiest kids in the world! After their fun they were traded to their Morales grandparents. Who also took the kids to dinner. These kids got more snacks, treats, toys, attention, and fast food than they get when we go on vacation! That's probably why they have no problems staying over night at Grandpa's!

Racing peddle cars! I do wish I could have been there to see them do this. They had a blast.

Visiting the dino park. 

So what did Jaime and I do? Play! Sleep in, go out to dinner, stay out late with friends, shopped, watch movies in as well as out and gave each other 110% attention. We had thought of taking a mini vacation somewhere but decided we didn't need to spend the money. We can be tight like that sometimes. ;) I'd say this was the most relaxing Spring Break I've ever had. No traveling to wear ya down, no kids to tend to, no kids arguing to break up, no homework to check over or make sure it's done, no work to go to, no house cleaning to fuss over. We loved it. We knew our kids were having the time of their lives and were well taken care of so I wasn't worried about them. I really was stress free!

Downing a plate of strawberries 
The kids didn't seem to really care too much when we went to pick them up on Saturday but after we got home they gave me lots of loves. Tyler was so sweet to tell me he missed me. :)
Now it's time to get back to reality. Spring break is over, the girls head out to school in the morning, Aidan has preschool this week, and I need to get back into my 'routine' as well.


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