Salsa fiend

Tyler LOVES salsa and chips. As long as it's not "picey". He will ask to eat it almost everyday. 

And some days he will get it out and pour some himself. As you can see it flowed over his bowl. 

One Sunday evening we busted out Life to teach the kids how to play. They really enjoyed it. They liked getting married and getting gifts for having kids.

The boys ask to play it almost every day now. It's too bad it's such a long game. I'm sure when they can read we will play it more.

Another school day! These beauties of mine love to socialize. They have fun getting together with friends at school and can hardly wait to get homework and other things done so they can go out and play with more friends! Last night I let the girls play outside till 8 with Miah, Ashley, Sophie, and Emily. They were shocked! They were playing so well I and getting lots of exercise I didn't want to end it too early! Course they still weren't ready to end the fun when I said so at 8!

It's a new season and time for me to think of more of my many blessings! I love my family and our ward and neighborhood. I honestly couldn't have planned this chapter in our life better if I wanted to!!

Also, Jaime was offered two new jobs last month! He could have turned them down (one was another district position dealing with technology) but after praying and weighing pros and cons he decided to take the principal position at a new school being built a few blocks away from our development! No more 15 minute commute, hello to walking or biking on days he can!! Congrats Jaime. You've certainly won your way into the hearts of the PSD. Keep up the good work!!


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