A New Year

We started this new year a bit on the quiet side. My mom had asked if she could have my kids over night on New Year's Eve and have a little party with them. We had plans to be with friends that evening so it worked out to let the kids stay at moms. Sounds like they had fun. 

Jaime and I went to see a matinee and after it was over we had Famous Dave's for dinner with the Ritchies. Then we just visited, hung out and played games to ring in the new year with them. Happy New year!

On Friday January 2nd we took the kids to the Carousel of Dreams. I had gotten a deal for half off a gift card and rides. They each rode 3 times. 
Boys...they really are best friends. 

Lindsey was a good sport and climbed on a horse each time another kid got on the UW husky before she could. 

However her patience paid off!

Olivia isn't a WSU cougar fan but still wanted to get on the cougar instead of a horse for a ride. 

Even though it just goes round and round, it really is a beautiful piece of artwork. The lights, the detailed and colorful horses and the paintings on the top of the carousel were all so pretty. 

We woke up to snow on Sunday the 4th.
It was hard for the kids to stay inside and not play in the snow, especially when there are so many around out in it! I also knew the snow would be gone by the next morning because it was supposed to warm up so it was a bit sad to keep them in. Who knows when we will get snow again. However, it was still Sunday. I know keeping the sabbath day is a touchy subject for some. I've been taught at home and at church it's not a day for recreational activities. For us that means sports (with a team or family members), shopping, swimming (even on vacations), sledding or playing in snow, even watching sports on tv are all fun things we choose not to do in observance of the Sabbath. People were shocked to find we didn't even watch the super bowl even though we're fans. Especially since Jaime is a convert from a sports watching devoted family. We generally don't have the tv on on Sunday's and if we do its a church video or Disney movie. The kids don't complain about it either. If the boys ask to play in the snow, it's often one of their sisters who kindly reminds them it's Sunday and then we never hear any more about it. 

We opt for quiet family time inside. :)
I pray my children will have a desire to follow our prophets council and not only if it's convenient to them and fits their wants. I pray I can teach them the best I can so that they can make good choices on their own. Something I think about quite frequently. 


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