My First Turkey

I had a turkey in my freezer and it needed to be used. Sorry to admit it but I have never cooked a turkey before. I never needed to! Well we got to talking about it with Jaime's mom and she said she'd help me make one and we'd have everyone over to help eat it! So, when would be a good time to have everyone over? No better way to get Jaime's family around than to plan a yummy dinner and watch the Seattle Seahawks play! So the day was set for Saturday, January 10. Everyone says that roasting a turkey is easy. I never believed it was hard I just never had tried it. Sure enough, it was easy and it came out perfect! 

The meal was so delicious and we had so much food and dessert. It was nice to divvy it up and send some left overs with others. 

I've got to admit, it was a lot of fun to have everyone dressed up to show their Hawk pride. It just added to our fun little "party." We were missing Chris though. He misses out on a lot of our fun because of his work schedule. 

Bel, Lindsey and Miranda

Lisa, Olivia, Tyler, Bel, Aidan, Miranda, Lindsey

I've always routed for our home teams, Mariners, Seahawks, etc however my kids, I'd say, are BIG fans. :) I get a kick out of hearing them talk about the Seahawk players or when they see pictures of them around town or in magazines. Even Tyler! And then there's the teams the boys picked on their own to be fans of. Tyler likes the Miami Dolphins and Aidan likes the Dallas Cowboys. No sway from family, the boys are sports fans. :)


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