
Showing posts from June, 2015

Let the Summer Fun Begin

On Thursday the girls went swimming at a friend's house so I took the boys to the sprinkler park. Aidan thought I was taking them to a different one so was very unhappy with me. I told him if he didn't want to play at this one he could just lay with me and watch Tyler play. So he did! He laid there for quite a while just keeping his head down. I enjoyed laying in the sun and watching Tyler play. Once Aidan saw a kid from his school class he was up and playing having a good time. I just thought it was funny that he'd actually lay there with his head down for so long. Maybe he was secretly just really tired and needed a rest. ; p another day I made a scavenger hunt for the girls. Thanks to pinterest it came together quickly and easily! The girls had so much fun running up and down and through the house finding clues that the boys came around and wanted to do it after the girls were done.  Oh the excitement! Friday and Saturday evenings were spent with f...

The Last Day of School

Tuesday June 9th Aidan came home from school with a tooth necklace on. Inside the giant tooth was his tiny tooth! He lost it while taking a bit of an apple. I love hearing him tell the story about it. He bit into the apple then thought he bit a seed and spit it out in to his hand only to find it was a tooth! Wednesday June 10th. The last day. My goodness stop growing kids! Actually Aidan really hasn't grown much. He's so teeny-tiny skinny! Lindsey looks a little older in the face. I wouldn't think she's grown any if it weren't for needing to buy clothes the next size up. Olivia looks kind of the same to me as well. :) I'm sure she will have a growth spurt in the next year or so. But all my kids will be small. Not sure there's any way around that! I like that my kids have friends to go to school with. And when they leave they just kind of funnel in to the rest of the neighborhood friends and all arrive at school about th...

Hazel Ione Noble~my Loving Grandma

On Wednesday June 3 at 10:58 p.m. my phone started ringing. It was Dad. He never calls this late. I knew that it couldn't be good and when I heard him say, "We lost Grandma tonight." I just burst out crying! I was so shocked. She'd been doing so well! Her work was done on this earth. It's not exactly easy to accept a comment like that but at the same time I know she's feeling better. Walking easily and probably feeling great and seeing her parents and other family that have gone before her.  On Friday morning I went to Grandview to visit Mom, Grandpa, and Mel. When I got to the door there was Grandpa opening the door before I even stepped up to it. First thing he said to me was she went too fast as he embraced me in a hug.  We spent the day talking and mourning with each other. Elizabeth came later as well. In the afternoon we went to the funeral home for funeral and burial arrangements. Mom, Aunt Mel, Elizabeth, and I were able to dress Grandma...

Young Women

On March 15th I was called to be the Young Women Mia Maid Advisor. I'll be honest, I was nervous but I looked forward to getting to know these amazing girls. I tell you, these girls are pretty impressive. They have such a knowledge of the gospel and strong testimonies. I appreciated their participation during my Sunday lessons.  For our Mutual activity on June 3 we hiked Badger Mountain. These girls have a great relationship with one another and I love it.  Today June 14, exactly 3 months from when I was called, I was released from Young Women and called to be the secretary in our new Relief Society Presidency. Three months. I believe that's the shortest calling I've ever had. I wasn't ready for the release, obviously. There was more I wanted to learn and do. I wanted to grow closer with the girls and really get to know them. They were bummed I was released so soon and asked if I'd still go to some of their school activities that I had shown interest in...

Piano Recital

Tonight was Lindsey and Olivia's piano recital. Lindsey has been taking lessons for three years and Olivia started this year.  They introduced their songs before they played. Lindsey works hard at her music. It seems every year she has one recital piece she loves and enjoys playing and one that is more difficult and struggles. She is getting better at working on sections which seems to help. I'm still just happy that she keeps with it. She does play well and I think she will enjoy it more and she becomes more advanced.  Olivia seems to be a natural and it. The songs come a bit easier to her birthday could change as it gets more challenging. :) She looked so little and cute sitting at the piano. I like that she's excited to play.