Hazel Ione Noble~my Loving Grandma

On Wednesday June 3 at 10:58 p.m. my phone started ringing. It was Dad. He never calls this late. I knew that it couldn't be good and when I heard him say, "We lost Grandma tonight." I just burst out crying! I was so shocked. She'd been doing so well! Her work was done on this earth. It's not exactly easy to accept a comment like that but at the same time I know she's feeling better. Walking easily and probably feeling great and seeing her parents and other family that have gone before her. 

On Friday morning I went to Grandview to visit Mom, Grandpa, and Mel. When I got to the door there was Grandpa opening the door before I even stepped up to it. First thing he said to me was she went too fast as he embraced me in a hug. 

We spent the day talking and mourning with each other. Elizabeth came later as well. In the afternoon we went to the funeral home for funeral and burial arrangements. Mom, Aunt Mel, Elizabeth, and I were able to dress Grandma for burial. It was a special experience to be with her, just the few of us women. I got to curl and style her hair. It's something I never thought I'd do but was truly honored to. I enjoyed helping and serving Grandma when she needed it. I've fixed her hair before, gotten her meals, helped her walk to a chair, tuck her in bed, etc. so of course I wanted to serve her the last moments her body was with us. After we were finished Grandpa, Dad, and Uncle Dick came in to see Grandma. Grandpa was so sweet to tell us we did a good job, that Grandma looked good. Then he said she always looked good. :) What a sweetheart. He truly loves and misses her. 

It's still hard to fathom that I'll never see her again in this life. There's comfort in knowing that I will see her again though. This is not the end. 

We left Saturday to Sandpoint, Idaho to gather with family and attend the funeral that would be held Monday the 8th. 

While there we did enjoy spending time with family on the lake.

Took a boat ride on my uncle's boat.

This castle has been under construction for YEARS!

It really was a perfect day…other than the fact of the sad event that was bringing so many of our family together. 

Jaime, the amazing guy that he is, was so supportive and understanding of me. He did anything he could to comfort me and make things easier for me. 

It was a beautiful service. Andrew and Katrina's song was just beautiful. The eulogy and stories about Grandma were nice to hear. 

Many of my cousins who could be there were pallbearers. 
The day was warm and beautiful. Just like Grandma. 

Uncle Tim covered Grandpa's head to shade it from the sun. :) What respect. 

Uncle Darrell dedicated the grave. 

It was hard even on my littles. Look at Tyler with his sad face back there. Aidan cried the entire way from the church to the cemetery. When we got there he went and gave my mom a hug and he sat on her lap the rest of the time. Lindsey and Olivia, bless their hearts, wept almost as much as I did. At some point in the week each one of them said something along the lines of "I'll never forget Grandma Noble"

My Great Aunt Verna, Grandma's sister (in the back with the glasses and reddish brown hair) is the oldest and last of the kids in Grandma's family. So it was hard on her. Who would ever think that they would outlive ALL of their younger siblings. That'd be so hard to anyone to go through. 

We sang 'God Be With You Till We Meet Again' at the end. 

I was able to see my Aunt Davina's grave. I attended her funeral in Wenatchee but not the grave side service in Sandpoint. Grandma is buried right above Davina. Grandpa and Uncle Dick will be beside them some day. 

Back to the church for the luncheon and catching up with family. 

Dad took the kids out to the beach for a little while. They'd been so good throughout the long and emotional day. He needed some Grandpa time I think. I was grateful for his kindness to spend time with our kids. 

We left in the early evening. It really was a wonderful weekend in honor of Grandma. 

Some went back to the grave sight that evening. 

She's at rest from her weak mortal body but I know, without a doubt, that her Spirit is alive and I will get to see her again. We were blessed to be able to be in the temple with Grandma when Lori went for her own endowment last month. When I was in the Celestial room with so many of my family I couldn't express the joy I felt! I hugged both Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else who was there with us. It was wonderful! It gives me a slight glimpse of how my Grandma may feel. Being able to see so many of her family.

After we got home it was back to our schedule. The kids had school. Tyler was busy playing and I went through my house looking at the cross stitch pieces Grandma made for me and my family. I knew that she had made one for each of my kids but as I was looking at them and pulling others out that I hadn't hung yet I burst in to tears as I realized just how many I had. Grandma loved to make things for others. Cross stitch, embroidered pillow cases, Christmas ornaments, blankets, and quilts. She was very talented and was kind to share it with so many. 

These two were made for me in '96 and '97. The "Let's Keep in Touch" was a request from my mom for Grandma to make for me. I think it was mom's way of reminding me to talk to her as it was a time as a teenager that I didn't talk very much. :(

One afternoon my eyes were teary and Tyler asked what was wrong. I said that it was hard knowing that I wouldn't see grandma here anymore. His response was perfect. "But that's Heavenly Father's plan!" I smiled and told him he was exactly right. :) as he gave me a comforting hug.

A couple days later I was going through the kids school drawers with them to clean them out. In both Lindsey and Olivia's drawers they had their last birthday cards from their Great Grandma Noble.

 Along with those cards were chocolate coins. Grandma had bought a huge bag of them to give to the kids for birthdays or when we came to visit her. It was a real treat to my kids! But as I read the cards and counted the coins I did cry again. It was little things that Grandma did that still meant a lot. 


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