The Last Day of School

Tuesday June 9th Aidan came home from school with a tooth necklace on. Inside the giant tooth was his tiny tooth! He lost it while taking a bit of an apple. I love hearing him tell the story about it. He bit into the apple then thought he bit a seed and spit it out in to his hand only to find it was a tooth!

Wednesday June 10th. The last day. My goodness stop growing kids!

Actually Aidan really hasn't grown much. He's so teeny-tiny skinny!

Lindsey looks a little older in the face. I wouldn't think she's grown any if it weren't for needing to buy clothes the next size up.

Olivia looks kind of the same to me as well. :) I'm sure she will have a growth spurt in the next year or so. But all my kids will be small. Not sure there's any way around that!

I like that my kids have friends to go to school with. And when they leave they just kind of funnel in to the rest of the neighborhood friends and all arrive at school about the same time. 


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