Young Women

On March 15th I was called to be the Young Women Mia Maid Advisor. I'll be honest, I was nervous but I looked forward to getting to know these amazing girls. I tell you, these girls are pretty impressive. They have such a knowledge of the gospel and strong testimonies. I appreciated their participation during my Sunday lessons. 

For our Mutual activity on June 3 we hiked Badger Mountain. These girls have a great relationship with one another and I love it. 

Today June 14, exactly 3 months from when I was called, I was released from Young Women and called to be the secretary in our new Relief Society Presidency. Three months. I believe that's the shortest calling I've ever had. I wasn't ready for the release, obviously. There was more I wanted to learn and do. I wanted to grow closer with the girls and really get to know them. They were bummed I was released so soon and asked if I'd still go to some of their school activities that I had shown interest in. You better believe I'll be there!

The blessing Bishop Christensen gave me when he set me apart was amazing. I know he was inspired to say the things he did. I felt calm and collected after the blessing. Relaxed kind of. Later the 1st counselor of the Bishopric, Brother Roundy, called to tell me that he felt the blessing I was given was inspired. He felt what I did as well. Both of these experiences are testimony builders for me. I look forward to my new calling. Being in such a large ward will definitely give us as a presidency lots to do and I look forward to serving my sisters and getting to know them better. 


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