Aidan's 8th Birthday

For Aidan's 8th birthday we threw him a Nintendo Mario themed party. I had to use Pinterest for ideas to create party games. 
Friday September 2nd:
I made a Goomba and Ghost Stomp. I put golden chocolate coins in the balloons, blew them up and Daphne would draw the faces on them for me. All my kids were still at school or volleyball practice so I appreciated Daphne giving her time to help me out. Naomi helped also by blowing some balloons and I'd tie them off for her.

I rented a Mario themed bounce house/slide combo. It was supposed to be delivered September 3rd an hour before the party but because they had so many deliveries that Saturday they called me Thursday to ask if they could deliver it Friday evening. I wasn't going to be charged anymore than my 6hr rental so I said sure! 

The kids got lots of time to play on it by themselves and with the neighbor kids. It turned out that they didn't come pick the bounce house up until about 6pm. I paid for 6 hours but got it for 24! It made the cost more worth it. After everyone left from the party Diana, Bel, and I went and jumped on it with the kids. As large as the thing is we were able to jump and climb on it. :)

Saturday September 3rd: Aidan's baptism
Aidan had a full house. I love and am so happy to see all those who came to support him. He was so excited for this day to come. Aidan is such a spiritual kid, so loving, sweet, and kind to everyone. I really am curious to see how he will be as he gets older and what the Lord has in store for him. 

After the baptism we had family come for lunch. We had seating outside
 and inside. I loved that so many wanted to come and show Aidan their love for him by being at his baptism. After lunch friends from school started showing up for Aidan's party. It was a lot to put together and to have all at once; baptism, luncheon, birthday party but I didn't want to have to plan something on multiple days. And with doing the luncheon and party on the same day, more family and friends got to enjoy the bouncy slide.

Uncle Darin got in on the fun. 

Long time friends Olivia and Alex. It's hard to believe these two were toddlers when our families met. 

Olivia, Alex, Lindsey, Cami
I love that Andersons make the effort the come to each of our kids' baptisms. We try to do the same. Watching our kids grow up just shows me how fast time goes.

Present time

We did presents before games so that some family members and adults could go. 

Aidan was pretty excited about his Master Yoda jedi trainer. 

After gifts came the games. 

The goomba stomp was hilarious to watch. They had to either stomp or sit on the balloon to pop it and then gather the coins they find from their balloon. In the left picture you can see Aidan plugging his ears so he wouldn't hear the popping. I think it slowed his ability to pop the balloon. Hahaha

Henry just plopped on his balloon after stomping it wasn't working. 

They got to shoot the "bad guys" off the table and there was a pin the mustache on Mario.

Then the piñata. Diana and Marty brought it. I was grateful for their help. Aidan took the first go at it. 

Tyler's turn

After the piñata and the race for candy we pulled out the cake. Diana also brought the cake and cupcakes. I really appreciated her help. I was busy getting games and invitations made and buying supplies for games and getting the luncheon food all put together. Not having to do the cake was probably the biggest help and relief. 

It was a very cute cake. Some chocolate and some vanilla.

Aidan had a wonderful day. He was so good to all his guests and thanked them for coming. After it was quiet and all were gone but Grandma and Grandpa Morales, Aidan opened the Yoda toy. He seems so real when he talks and whips around with his light saber or cane. It's a pretty fun toy.

And to end the day Morales' took us out to dinner. Another big help for me. It was wonderful to be able to get some time to really sit and visit with them. Aidan was on cloud nine all day. 

Happy Birthday Aidan! I'm glad you enjoyed your day. We love you so much. 


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