First Cavity

Lindsey's dentist found a teeny tiny cavity on a back molar. He said that it wasn't because she wasn't cleaning well enough, he can tell she is. It's because of the way her tooth is so it was susceptible. She was NOT happy to get it filled. She'd never had one before and was very nervous to get it done. I didn't go back with her because I figured I'd make it worse if I were there for her to cry to. The nurse came out and told me Lindsey was very nervous and if I was ok for her to have the gas. I said sure. I was surprised to get a text message from Lindsey a bit later. 

She sent me this picture of her! She looks like some type of alien. She thought it was funny too, that's why she sent it to me. She did amazing! Of course. I'm so grateful for our good dental insurance so we can ensure our kids get the care they need to be healthy and pain free from things that we can prevent. I love this girl. She's braver and stronger than she thinks. I'm amazed all the time by the things she does.


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