Aidan's 9th Birthday

For Aidan's birthday on Sept 2 Bel and Chris took Aidan out to breakfast then to Build A Bear Workshop. It happened to be a deal of buy one Star Wars bear get another free!! Lucky kid picked out two bears. He loved the time alone he had with his aunt and uncle. 

They're the kind of aunt and uncle I'll never be. hahaha

Kids played legos together all day to celebrate Aidan's birthday. 

On Sunday the 3rd, his birthday we had Grandma and Grandpa Morales and Marcus and Aide over for dinner and cake. 

Simple and his favorite. Chocolate and M&Ms. 



That's all he wanted so that's all he got. hahaha

After dinner we had cake!

He spent the evening building his lego sets. 

We celebrated his birthday with my parents on the 4th. Rather than postponing his birthday celebration it was just easier to do it separate days that worked for others. So he got to spend 3 days of birthday fun with relatives. I'd say that's a pretty awesome gift in itself. :)

More legos!

He doesn't tire of them. Building and constructing and following printed instructions are totally his thing. 

Happy Birthday Aidan! I wish I could see in to the future to see what he will do with his life as an adult but I also really enjoy him being a kid. So sweet and tender-hearted. He melts my heart.


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