Newest Niece!

Elizabeth was scheduled to have a cesarian to deliver her little baby girl on September 21st so we were surprised to get a text this morning from John with a photo of their little Jocelyn Ann. Elizabeth's water had broke so she went to the hospital to have her early. After all the kids were off to school I drove to Grandview to ride up to Yakima with Dad, Grandpa, and Lori. 

Look at this little bundle! 

We really had a good time all being together. We seem to quite often. :) Elizabeth was having a hard time not laughing when mom was struggling to take a selfie of all of us. 

Elizabeth's stomach was so from the c-section so she tried not to laugh when we were all cracking jokes. 

Grandpa was so sweet. 

Congratulations Elizabeth and John. Just on Sunday I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting on how I know Heavenly Father loves us and I used Elizabeth's experience of adopting and finally getting pregnant when they had waited so long. I felt it was God showing James and Malachi that he loved them. Elizabeth and John had a hard time understanding why they couldn't get pregnant but if they had conceived they never would have decided to foster to adopt and those cute boys wouldn't have made it into their home, hearts, and family. Heavenly Father was helping those boys get to a place where they can be loved by a family. It's a miracle to me of God's love for His children. 

Ahh me in deep laughter 

Much better. I don't look like I'm going to bite anyone. Hahah

So precious. This day was a good day. 

After we left the hospital we went to Costco for lunch and for Dad and Lori to pick up a couple things. Grandpa and I waited and finished our lunch while the others shopped. 


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