Merry Christmas

Christmas Morning at our house. 

I love that the girls like to show each other what they get. It makes everything so much more exciting when you can share with someone who gets just as excited about it as you. 

Aidan and robotics...battle bots are kinda up his ally. 

Tyler loves dinosaurs so the lego Dinos are pretty fun for him. 

Time to get right to work and play with their new things! Gravitrax is a fun marble run that Aidan can create different routes over and over. 

Olivia and Tyler putting together Legos.

I think they like these battlebots. 

In the afternoon we headed to mom's for dinner and gifts. 

Everyone likes to gather around to see what all the gifts are. 

Happy faces when people open gifts are kinda the best part of giving. :)

As evening draws in we usually have leftovers and time to sit and visit. This picture is so fun because it shows so many of us working with electronics like phones and smart watches as we help others with their new gadgets. 

I got a few snuggles in with Ryan. He just sat there and rubbed my ear. I loved it. 



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