The BIG 4 0!

Time to celebrate Jaime turning 40!! Jaime was celebrated all week. 

Wednesday we played Volleyball. 
Everyone (well almost everyone) dressed up in black for our weekly game. 

Volleyball is still a highlight of our week. I can't believe it's been going on for so long. 

Silly Shot!

Thursday we went out to dinner with friends then watched the new Star Wars movie.

Friday Jaime came to work with quite the birthday set up!

The school staff came up with all sorts of creative ways to say he was 40. :)

Friday night we went out to dinner with Jaime's family to celebrate both Bel and him. 

And let's not forget that it was Tyler's birthday on Monday :) The birthday kids!

The Morales kids

Saturday, Jaime's birthday, he played church basketball. He had a good time being able to play with friends in a good competition. 

Happy Birthday Jaime! You are way younger than 40 in my eyes. I love you. 



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