
Showing posts from May, 2020

Launch America

We planned to go play tennis with the kids yesterday morning but we decided to watch the launch of SpaceX before we left. We couldn't pass up this moment in history.  It was fun to watch...then off to tennis!  

Quick Getaway

 Jaime had purchased a deal package at the Couerd A'lene Resort as a Black Friday deal. Ritchie's had purchased one too with the intent we'd go together. The deal was supposed to be used by certain dates but due to covid we couldn't go. The dates for the trip were changed 4 different times. We eventually were able to go but had to wear masks there at the resort. Except when in the restaurant eating. Sarah and I went to the spa, Seriously like our favorite thing to do anywhere. We always have a great time together. Laughing is probably my favorite part about our trips together. It's good medicine; laughing.  Just these pictures says it. How we laugh. Sarah asked Brandon to take our picture.  He kept saying such funny things we couldn't keep it together.  And he just kept snapping pic after pic. Dinner and good laughter till your stomach hurts is a good night.  We did an escape room. We made it out in less than an hour! I really am impressed with the ...

Making the Most of Covid Quarantine

Not being able to go places and get together with people makes those of us at home need to find other things to do.  Lindsey has been practicing her piano numbers for her virtual recital. She needs to record her pieces and the teacher will compile all the videos for families to watch later. I died laughing watching Olivia "coach" Lindsey. Whenever she'd mess up Olivia would say "Again!" Who knows, maybe Olivia will decide she wants to teach music when she's older.  I don't really have words for this. LOL Other than they've reached ultimate boredom during quarantine. I said they must be practicing for their bobsled team. They didn't get it! So I said ok, time to watch the movie Cool Runnings about the Jamaican bobsled team. They practice in the tub. Kinda funny.   We've played a lot of games as a family. Gives us something other than tv for entertainment. Notice an extra child? ;) I played chess with Aidan. He was so shocked I beat him. Actual...

Mother's Day 2020

Jaime and the kids made me a wonderful breakfast. Omelette in bed. I was treated to a little box on the tray...some new wireless Beats ear phone! I'm really excited to try them out during my runs and workouts.  What a bunch I've been blessed with.  They're all so amazing. I don't think it's from my mothering but more of the spirits that were born into our family. These kids really are so good. My greatest blessings.  We went to Jaime's parents house for dinner.  Cousins had a fun biker gang. ;) Overall I've come to enjoy Mother's Day. It used to seem to be a day that kids decided not to be happy, or a day I felt was like any other day and I had to do just as much as any other day. But I've since changed my mind set. It is just another day. Every day I love my kids, every day I care for my kids. Today I still do, but get a few more extra hugs out it. :)  

Themed Dinners

 We like to celebrate Star Wars Day on May the fourth and then Cinco de Mayo. Naturally these turn in to quite the themed dinners. We like to get foods and give them Star Wars names. May the Fourth be with you has been something we've done for many years now since moving to Pasco. Some Star Wars crazed friends of ours introduced it to us. We never looked back :) For Cinco de Mayo I thought I'd go all out and make my own enchiladas with home made enchilada sauce. While I was preparing the food I asked the kids to make some decorations for the evening.  Lindsey made fresas y crema (strawberries & cream) I got Jaime on the rolling action of the enchiladas.  Don't they look so good!? Everything turned out so delicious.  Took some fun pictures The two amigos. They're hilarious girls After dinner we watched Disney's Coco. Such a cute movie about Dia de los Muertos.  Lindsey decided she wanted to try a new recipe and make home made blueberry muffins. They were so g...