Making the Most of Covid Quarantine

Not being able to go places and get together with people makes those of us at home need to find other things to do. 

Lindsey has been practicing her piano numbers for her virtual recital. She needs to record her pieces and the teacher will compile all the videos for families to watch later. I died laughing watching Olivia "coach" Lindsey. Whenever she'd mess up Olivia would say "Again!" Who knows, maybe Olivia will decide she wants to teach music when she's older. 

I don't really have words for this. LOL Other than they've reached ultimate boredom during quarantine. I said they must be practicing for their bobsled team. They didn't get it! So I said ok, time to watch the movie Cool Runnings about the Jamaican bobsled team. They practice in the tub. Kinda funny.

We've played a lot of games as a family. Gives us something other than tv for entertainment. Notice an extra child? ;)

I played chess with Aidan. He was so shocked I beat him. Actually, I shocked myself. lol I'm not great at chess but I know the gist of the game. Aidan has been in chess club so I figured he'd had me beat before the game even started. I think he did too. Guess I proved us both wrong. 

Tyler needed some time with me. We played 5 crowns. 

I feel so bad Lindsey didn't get to have her themed murder mystery birthday dinner. One evening she put on her costume an practiced doing her hair and make up. 

What a doll. Someday I hope to be able to get this dinner party on for her. 


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