Marcus's Accident

On April 29th Jaime received a call at midnight from his mom telling him that Marcus was in a major car accident. We were all so scared. He was air lifted from Yakima hospital to Harbor View in Seattle. 

This was his car...only a few months old. He was speeding and took a turn to fast. He rolled the car and totaled it. 

Before he wrecked it. You can't even tell what car that is. It's a miracle that he survived. He made it out of the accident with a dislocated elbow, a couple fractures in his vertebra (which we are so grateful that they are so minor that they will heal on their own), a concussion, a collapsed lung, and of course many cuts and bruises. He had surgery on his arm pretty quickly and they said it went well. 

Everyone immediately thought back to Adam's car accident just a few years prior.

His injury list
It was so hard not being able to go see him or to have any family with him because of Covid-19. He wasn't allowed any visitors. Thank goodness for smart phones so we could see him over the phone. 

He was released on May 2! In the hospital for less than a week. We thought for sure he'd be there at least a week. Jaime and Marty drove to Seattle to pick him up. He was so happy to get home. We're so grateful he's doing well and on the road to a good recovery. 


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