Quick Getaway

 Jaime had purchased a deal package at the Couerd A'lene Resort as a Black Friday deal. Ritchie's had purchased one too with the intent we'd go together. The deal was supposed to be used by certain dates but due to covid we couldn't go. The dates for the trip were changed 4 different times. We eventually were able to go but had to wear masks there at the resort. Except when in the restaurant eating. Sarah and I went to the spa, again...lol. Seriously like our favorite thing to do anywhere. We always have a great time together. Laughing is probably my favorite part about our trips together. It's good medicine; laughing. 

Just these pictures says it. How we laugh. Sarah asked Brandon to take our picture. 

He kept saying such funny things we couldn't keep it together. 

And he just kept snapping pic after pic.

Dinner and good laughter till your stomach hurts is a good night. 

We did an escape room. We made it out in less than an hour! I really am impressed with the way people come up with and create the codes, keys, and strategy to get out of these puzzled rooms. 


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