
With school activities a no, I'm so impressed that a group made this "stay-at-homecoming' possible.  

Lindsey came up with a creative way to ask Spencer to "HoCo" translation: homecoming. It's a play off the tv show Pshyc that they like to watch. 

Lindsey looks so beautiful!

They're so cute! Lindsey is wearing my dress from Fall Formal my senior year in high school along with the same jewelry I wore. She looks stunning in it. 

Spencer has been such a good friend to Lindsey. 

She's in heels...she's not taller than me. :)

The Group

What a bunch of good looking girls. Everyone had such a great time. They had dinner at Daphne Christensen's house, dessert at Sheridan Edler's house, and an outdoor dance decorated so beautifully at Emily Meredith's house. 


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