
We had a fun halloween weekend. We celebrated with family on Friday night was a beautifully decorated dinner and fun games at Mom's house. 

Lindsey was a 1920s flapper

Olivia and Aidan had creepy white masks and dressed in black (Aidan had a skeleton shirt on) and topped in a fedora. Tyler was an inflatable dinosaur Friday night then wore a blue skull mask Saturday while trick or treating. 

Mom did such good job decorating. We had taco soup for dinner.

Elizabeth brought some fun games. This bones in the bag game was a lot of fun. We had to just shake the bags and determine how many were in each back and put them in numerical order before your opponent. 

pumpkin bean bag toss

Olivia and me (I was Captain Marvel)

Jaime the pirate and Madelynn the pumpkin

we had to get the cookie from the forehead into the mouth without using hands. 

Jaime won

I struggled. It was quite the scene let me tell you. LOL

We had to hold the tongue depressor in the mouth then line up pumpkin candies on it and hold the pumpkins up. 

Using a straw to move the M&Ms from one plate to another. No hands!

Malakai and Olivia teamed up. 

We ended the night with a treasure hunt running up and down two flights of stairs following clues to the final treasure. 
Saturday we had the Andersons over to party and trick or teat. I was not good at getting pictures of my kids this year. Despite Covid we still enjoyed Halloween. :)



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