Christmas Eve with a Covid Twist

Christmas Eve traditions. I love them. They make Christmas so special. To be able to celebrate Christ's birth with our family is such a blessing. We went to Mom's for dinner and then our traditional Christmas Family Home Evening. 

Dad had everyone read scriptures and then mom played the piano for the correlating Christmas song as we sang along. 

I love that we make the time to slow the speed of the Christmas excitement and hustle to read/sing the Christmas story of Christ's birth.

After the Christmas story from the scriptures and singing the kids and I took a turn at playing a Christmas song that we'd been working on. Ok I hadn't been working on it really but I played a Christmas song from the Children's Primary hymn book. 

As we were driving away I took a pic of my parents standing out in the cold to wave goodbye (like they do every time we visit) as we yelled out the car windows saying I love you and Merry Christmas...moments I'll never forget. 

After Mom's house we headed home instead of to Martin and Diana's. They both got Covid! 

So instead Christmas Eve gift opening was done over FaceTime together, 

We took time to see what everyone got as they took turns opening gifts. 

It wasn't the same as being in person but we all enjoyed seeing everyone's faces as they opened gifts. Joked and laughed and still enjoyed the time. 

Christmas pajamas!



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