Church With My Babies


While sitting in church today I sat in loving amazement of my kids. Jaime sits up on the stand so it's usually just the girls and myself sitting in a church pew while the boys sat over by the sacrament table. However, since Aidan is now a Teacher in young men he doesn't pass the sacrament so he would sit with the girls and me. But this Sunday Tyler got to sit with us. My girls to the left, my boys to the right of me. I was just feeling so blessed to have them around me. Lindsey and Olivia are literally best friends so they love to sit together (and chat needless to say) and Aidan and Tyler, while they're not best friends per se, they do get along pretty well and they themselves were chatting during church. I'm grateful for their relationships with each other and with me. I'm grateful they come to church happily and never begrudgingly. I'm grateful that they have testimonies of their own. Sure they're at different places but that's normal. I'm grateful for this day and the spirit I felt while sitting in sacrament meeting with these four beautiful babies of mine. Realizing that Heavenly Father has felt that he can trust me to raise these amazing spirits is a little shocking. I feel inadequate to teach them all they need to know before they're grown but at the same time, as I see them growing and how they're becoming more independent, I feel like I must be doing something right and I know that it's been through the help of the Lord. 


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