HOCO 2023

After the Gravel Pit football game (Chiawana High vs Pasco High) Cody ran up to Olivia in the stands and held up this sign asking her to Homecoming. 

Fast forward a week and Olivia comes home Friday and tells me that she's on the homecoming court! I was so excited for her. So for the next week, Homecoming week, Olivia and the rest of the court was busy helping with the week's activities and going to support other teams at their games. She's had a lot of fun. 
Last night was the homecoming football game. I had fun helping Olivia get her hair done, picking how to do her nails and then watching her interact with her friends and others on the homecoming court prior to the game. This is Olivia and Eli. They went to Homecoming last year together. They're both on the court this year as seniors. 

Waiting in line for the Corvettes to start driving around the field. 

During halftime the girls rode around the track in Corvettes up to the front of the stadium. 

Olivia looked so happy. She was cute waving her hand with her broken finger. (Thanks to softball.)

Olivia was escorted from the car to us waiting on the track. 

While we were standing there the Homecoming King and Queen were announced. Olivia was announced as Queen!

Getting her crown and sash. 

King Mason and Queen Olivia (Mason was in a hurry to get back to the football team so he took his sash off before the picture then hurriedly put it back on for a picture so it's pretty twisted. lol

So neat Grandma and Grandpa (he's up in the stands) were able to be here for this!

Aunt Bel was here for it as well. 

My beauty queen!

We're so excited for Olivia. What a fun week she's had. 
We won the football game! After the game Cody came over and we had pizza and visiting to celebrate. 

Saturday, the homecoming dance. Cody came by to pick up Olivia. 
Putting on his boutonniere. 

Putting on the corsage is so much easier. 😂

Before they headed off to dinner the group met up for pictures. 

Aren't they just the cutest!

The homecoming queen and her footballer. 

The group

They all went to dinner at one of the boys' houses before heading to the dance. 

Cute girls

Olivia's broken finger picture😆

Strong Cody

This will be one of the high school memories she never forgets. I love you Queen Olivia 😘


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