So Much to be Thankful For

Lindsey made it home on the 21st for Thanksgiving! Love having her here. When she is, everything just seems right. How it should be. 

Brian and his family flew in on the 22nd. Shortly after they got in we all got right to work in the kitchen. Prepping food for our Thanksgiving feast the next day. Brian whipped out the cutest pilgrim and Mayflower cherry pie. 

Thanksgiving with Mom and Dad, Elizabeth's family, Lori's family, Brian's family, and our crew. 

The little kid table.

The youth table. 

Adult table
We had a great Thanksgiving. Everyone enjoyed the food, company, and games together. Mom wanted us all to stay the night so we could work in the kitchen together and stay later in the evening visiting. Lori was so kind to let Elizabeth and I leave our dogs in her backyard so that we didn't need to worry about finding a place to take them to. I really appreciated that. Koda struggled being outside the entire time since he's used to being inside. But he had a good time with Elizabeth's dog Sadie and Lori's dog Shelby. Because Olivia had wrestling practice each morning she slept at home. So when she would leave Grandview I'd go to Lori's with her to get Koda loaded up in the car and Olivia took him home to sleep in his bed. After practice she would bring him back to Lori's. 

The day after Thanksgiving Dad took us all to the gun club to go shooting. 

It was a chilly day so the kids sat in the sun while the younger kids took their turns at shooting. Look how gown up they are now, wanting to sit and visit instead of being crazy kids running around and refusing to sit still. hahaha

Aidan enjoys shooting the .22.

Tyler using Dad's AR. This was Tyler's first time going shooting. He was either too young or didn't have an interest to go. He took to it really well. He was cautious and understood directions on how to load and unload the guns and using safety. 

Elizabeth using the AR. I enjoyed using it and shooting for the targets up on the hill. Because it's such a big gun it's not my favorite to shoot. 

Lindsey taking her turn at the .22. 

And Liv. This was her first time shooting as well. She'd never wanted to go before. She went this time and decided it's not her thing. She may not go again but she had fun trying it out. 

Olivia and Maybrie


Maybrie, Aidan, Olivia, James, and Ezra trying to keep each other warm!

After the rifles we moved down the range to shoot handguns. 
These little guns pack quite a punch (kickback.)


Tyler's a pretty good shot.

Brian was so good to help everyone out and give pointers.

I think Olivia preferred the .22 over the pistol. She shot it once and was done. But I'm glad she tried it!

Evening resting and visiting. And reenacting moments from the past. 

I know I have a picture of Brian holding Lindsey on our couch in our apartment but I couldn't find it! I found this one of him holding Lindsey in the recliner at my mom's though. I need to find the other one, it's almost the same position they're sitting in on the pic taken this year. 

I'm so thankful for my family. My parents, siblings, husband, children, in-laws, and however that all extends. Nothing beats when we can all get together and have fun laughing either just visiting or playing games. I'm thankful for a plan that our Savior set in motion for us to all be tougher with our families. 



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