Tyler's Football Banquet

Tyler has been part of football for many years. Started with just flag football through YMCA then touch football through CBYF and then into tackle through CBYF. This is the last year he can play tackle with CBYF. It only goes through 8th grade and then the program feeds into high school. 

He's the cutest! His eyes always smile as big as his face. He literally lights up a room when he smiles. 

I can't not say enough how much Tyler has grown physically, socially, and mentally through playing with this team. He's had the same head coach and a handful of the same players for the last 4 years. 

Tonight was their last team dinner. They're a brotherhood that has helped Tyler grow more confident in himself. He's sad to have this end. 

As much as I hated the lack of organization and communication from the coaches and crazy last minute schedule changes, I am grateful for this program because it has meant so much to Tyler. It's given him something to invest in and be proud of. Given him purpose and friendships. This season didn't end with them being the champs like last year but they did have a great season this year and I think they have the heart of champions. 



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