Snow Day for School AND Church

We got a bunch of snow! It was a nice day to stay inside. School was canceled but Jaime still needed to go in to work. So the kids and I stayed warm inside, played games, watched movies, and I baked fresh bread. 

It was good to have then interact with one another without having a screen in front of their faces. 

I've always loved snow days. It's not like I have to go anywhere anyway but I like the change in the week of having the kids home when normally they'd be gone. 

Saturday night we had freezing rain. A lot. Just before I went to bed that night I checked my email and I'd received an email at that instant from the bishop. Church would be canceled the next morning for our entire stake. It's not often that happens! We didn't mind the cancelation because we now have 8:30am church. It's nice to get up whenever you wake and have a good breakfast with the family. 

Tyler being on top of things woke up and showered and got ready for church before anyone saw him and could tell him church was canceled. He didn't believe Aidan at first when he said it was canceled. 

As soon as we confirmed it he ran upstairs to change and went outside to slide around and break up the ice. He was taking a video and was able to record Koda running out to see him. As soon as that pup hit the icy snow he slid and looked like Bambi trying to walk on ice. 😂 It was the cutest and funniest sight. 



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