Lindsey & Isaac's Wedding

While everyone was outside the temple waiting for the newly weds my parents popped out acting like they were the ones who just tied the knot. 😂 Waiting and waiting... Bel and Aide Diana and Mom Marty and Dad Our photographer got this picture of Lindsey's grandfathers talking. They look like they're discussing some serious business. We told Isaac he better treat Lindsey well or these to agents are going to come after him. haha They did it! Happy wedding day. Everyone was so eager to congratulate them. She made the rounds to hug everyone. I love how she's looking at her dad with a twinkle in her eye. She's surprised at how grown up they look in their new suits! Sweet Tyler. He really wanted to go in to the temple to see the wedding. He was so upset and asked if he paid double the tithing if he could go in. I love that he wanted to be there to support her. This broke my heart. When Lindsey came out of the temple Olivia tried to smile and be happy but I know she was...