It's Wedding Time!

Thursday night was spent prepping things for the wedding. Ironing Lindsey's temple clothes, Isaac's kerchief, making sure they had their clothes for the temple and wedding. Isaac ended up staying the night at our house and I was so happy to have him. Helping him and Lindsey both get ready just made me feel like I was taking care of two of my kids. Isaac is so sweet and appreciative. He loves Lindsey so much and treats her so kindly always telling her how beautiful she is. So I look at it as a blessing to have had him stay with us the night before the wedding. 

On the way to the temple! I didn't expect to be taking them both to the temple but as it turned out, I'm grateful we did. What a special time for Jaime and I to be with them just before they get married. Aren't they just so cute!!



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