Baby Fro is Gone

I was able to hold out until Aidan was one but I knew I needed to cut his hair. It was long enough to reach his eyes! Jaime said he was growing a mullet so I knew I needed to cut it. I sat Aidan in his Bumbo and with Olivia's help, she took pics, gave Aidan snacks to occupy him and give the confidence I needed. She says that Aidan's hair looks cute. What do you think?

Before the cut...

I swear I didn't know he had the scissors until I was looking at these! THANKS for your help Liv. :)

He was a little hesistant to have this buzzing thing near his head.

He moved around quite a bit but he did alright. At least he didn't cry or scream!

The finished product...

It's a little shorter than I wanted. They say the difference between a bad haircut and a good one is two weeks. Hopefully it'll grow in nicely. It's not the best but it's my first time. Boys' haircuts aren't as forgiving as little girls' are that's for sure. The flaws are more noticeable in a boys' short hair. I'm a perfectionist so maybe it won't look so bad to others who see it. I look at it and see what I wanted and it's not that. I had pictured something a little different. Hey, we learn as we go with this parenting stuff right?


  1. Awww, he's a little man. I think it looks cute! I have no hair cutting skills whatsoever, so if we ever have a boy, I'm in trouble.

  2. You did a great job, Lisa! Aidan looks like a little boy now. SO CUTE!! Olivia, it really was a good thing you were there to make certain everything was going okay for Aidan!

  3. Learn as we go is right! But it doesn't look like you have much learning to do in this department - I think his hair turned out great! It's amazing how grown up he looks just because his hair is a little shorter! What a handsome little man!

  4. It looks fine from the pictures! I'm the same way, though; I see only the flaws! But I have three little heads to practice on, so I'm getting a little better (or I just give them a buzz so it's all the same). :) But I hate how grown up their first haircut makes them look, don't you?


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