The big ONE

I can hardly believe this kiddo's already one. He was hesistant about the cake. He just squished his first piece in his hand then tasted it, then ate all but three bites.
He loves his new silky blanket. Definitely a blanket boy! He liked to play the "piano/xylophone" It took him awhile to be able to get his gifts open. My baby almost looks like a little boy and not so much a baby! They grow so fast. It's amazing how much I love them and how it continues to grow as they grow.


  1. So cute! He DOES look like a 'little big boy'. :) I love it... I'm impressed he didn't get more messy with the cake!... but I guess when it tastes so good it's better in the mouth than in the hair. :) By the way, cute job on the cake!

  2. Aww! Happy Birthday Aiden!!! The big ONE! Glad you guys had a great time.


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