Happy Birthday Olivia

Olivia is four and now because she is, she seems to instantly be able to do things she couldn't before. She's always saying how she can...reach the sink now that she's four, eat better (occasionally) because she's four. She's so funny. She totally enjoys being four now. She said that funniest thing. "It's fun being four, it was boring when I was three." I however, know that she had LOTS of fun and good memories when she was three.

Pancakes for her birthday dinner...

Delicious cake made by Liv's directions on shape and decor (well I did the decor)...

She loves her silky blankets...Grandma Marcia made her a large princess one.

Olivia (and Lindsey) love Batman and Transformers. Liv was stoked to get Transformers dishes...

And some other things she was given...it's still not all of it!


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