I have a SiX Year OLD!

She desperately wanted a butterfly cake. Somehow, I managed to pull it off.

She got lots and lots of cool stuff...here's just some from our family birthday party

She LOVES the new Barbie movie!!!

New clothes for her "Kirsten" doll that she got for Christmas.

Tinkerbell Dishes...

And of course lots of clothes! Hey what girl doesn't want new clothes!

Hard to believe I'm old enough to have one this old...but I am. (I know, I don't look like I could, do I! hehehehe)


  1. The butterfly cake is so cute... great job! I'm excited to see what crazy requests Maybrie gives me over the years!

  2. Neat cake! I love making novelty cakes for birthdays. :)

    Just wait until she turns 8 and gets baptized. Then you'll REALLY feel old! lol Cameron was baptized in Feb. and now I feel old.


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