A Week Without Kids!

Our family takes an annual trip to the Oregon coast with Jaime's parents and extended family every year. This year Jaime had to be to work during the trip so he and I didn't go.
Jaime's parents gave us a gift. They took the kids on vacation with them for a week!
What would I do for a week without kids to tend to?
I'll tell you!!!
I was looking forward to being able to get things done around the house without any 
interruptions. I had things planned that I wanted to do. 
I painted the boys room and redecorated. It's not completely finished until we get the new bed.
We got an awesome deal on it and I'm excited for it to be set up.
I also refinished Aidan's dresser. It's an old dresser that was given to me when Lindsey was little.
I sanded it, filled in the holes from the old handles, cleaned it, painted it, put a glaze on top,
then I put on a nice satin top coat. This is the first time I've refinished furniture.

I really like the way it turned out after the new knobs were put on.
You can see the new bedroom paint color behind the dresser as well. LOVE IT!
I should have taken a before and after picture of the dresser but didn't think of it until I had it all taken apart and was too involved in getting it done than going to get my camera. 

So instead here's a picture with the dresser in the background.
You get the gist of how it was beat up, dated handles, and oak colored.

When Jaime was home from work we were able to give each other 100% attention.
How often does that happen?!
We went to lunch one day, dinner another, out for ice cream, and
we went to see a movie at the theater in the middle of the afternoon!
We browsed the mall and other stores that we usually don't get to.
I felt like I was going on date after date. The last time I did that I was in college. :)

During the week I'd get updates on the kids and their fun.
Digging at the beach.

Drying and getting warm after jumping in the cold Pacific.

Air Museum.
When the kids got back they all had interesting things to share about the air museum.
I love the boys' enthusiasm over all they saw! It's so cute to hear them tell about their week at the coast.

When it was time to get the kids we met them and Jaime's parents in Hillsboro, OR for lunch at Burgerville. My brother Darin was able to take his lunch break then and join us. It was awesome to see him. The kids were happy to see us but when Aidan realized we were going home without Grandpa he started crying and said he wanted to go back with them. 
It's good to know that my kids weren't homesick and did well. I was nervous the boys would have a hard time at night but they didn't. Maybe next year they can stay the entire trip with their grandparents!
(However there's talk of changing the trip to July instead of August so Jaime won't be working.)


  1. You did a great job on the dresser, Lisa! Bummer I didn't know you guys were in the area. I would have come to see you! I enjoy your blog. Talk to you later.


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