Start up the school year 2012-2013

School's in session! August 28th was the first day.
Wednesdays are early release days so it was good to start Tuesday, then have a half day, then
on Monday there's no school for Labor Day. 
Helps to ease them in to the weeks of school and less summer play. :)

The girls LOVE their teachers. I'll admit I do too. I'm looking forward to seeing how this year goes
for the girls in school. 

The 1st grader

The 3rd grader

So what are my boys doing now that it's just the two of them... now that Liv
goes to school all day? (I found out that low-income schools have all day
kinder so the elementary school that Olivia had for kindergarten was only half day.
The boys looked forward to Olivia coming home in time for lunch and then playing.)

These buddies have gotten along great.
Playing Dr.

Playing swords with measuring cups. This kept them busy for quite a long time!

Aidan was so upset that he couldn't go to school when the girls did so I told him that 
I'd play school with him. We both enjoyed writing and looking at numbers
and letters. After "school"I read to the boys for such a long time.
I was amazed at their attention span. They just kept bringing more books.
I think we'll have to do "school" and "library" more often!

Today Aidan rode his bike while I pushed Tyler in the stroller to the park.
I let the boys run around for almost an hour. After the park we took a long walk.
Aidan was a champ at taking the longest bike ride he's ever been on.
He was hot and tired by the time we got home but he kept commenting on how
he's getting big and strong.

I love these boys. It's so cute to see them play together and give each other
high fives and hugs when they need some brotherly love.


  1. THey look so cute and excited for school! Now just you and the boys :). I always loved that one on one time with the little ones at home. That's when you can really connect with them

  2. The girls looked so excited to start the year. I take my boys to the park after walking to school. It really is fun to see the little ones getting along so well together. Have a great year!


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