The End of Summer Fun?

Time to end our summer activities and get back to school schedules
and consistent bed times...well more consistent bed times.

Here's just a quick summary of some random summer
activities we did on the side of all our vacationing.

Filling water balloons

Grandpa time

Summer soccer

Road trip in Grandma and Grandpa Morales' TRUCK

Boys' rough housin'
(I love it when they get along and play together)

Boys and bake time

Girlfriend hang out

Juice stand
 (they made over $10 at this stand! One woman drove by a few times
and finally stopped and gave Lindsey a dollar because "she's just too cute.")

Canning (tis the season!) - Aidan loves to help me.

The splash pad - Tyler preferred the drinking fountain so he didn't get
sprayed so much :)

Water fun

Playing with friends after the splash pad



Outdoor lunches

What do you think a 2 yr old does with counting bears and the cups?

Puts them in his shirt so when he jumps around they shake and rattle.
He thinks it's hilarious!

Enjoying the park...

...and warm weather before the Fall sets in.
School always reminds me that Fall isn't far away.

I hope your summer was as great as ours!


  1. What a fun summer! Oh the kids are growing up so fast!


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