Weekender Road Trip

We took a quick but fun trip to Seattle March 22-23. We made this trip for the purpose of taking my sister Lori so she could sight see Seattle. We left Aidan and Tyler at my mom's and took the girls with us. We left Thursday the 21st to drop the boys off and put them to bed. Then we went to Lori's to stay the night. We left Yakima just after 8 a.m. on Friday. (The girls only had half a day of school due to conferences and Jaime was able to have a day off.)

Our first stop, the American Girl store. I love this place! I love dolls. I always have. Lindsey and Olivia were so excited to go.

Lindsey with Saige the girl of 2013

Olivia and Saige

The girls had picked out a couple accessories that they wanted to get. Jaime walked up to them and asked, "You didn't want to get a doll?" The girls squealed with excitement and ran to get the dolls they wanted.

Lindsey picked Saige

Olivia picked Josephina (She's such a beautiful doll! Well they all are. I'd be happy with one myself.)

They even have a hair salon for dolls. I think it's cute. Jaime rolls his eyes. ;) All girls like their dolls to look pretty.  Saige was getting her hair redone since it came out when the hair net was taken off in the store. 
I took this picture at home. We now have 4 American Girl dolls. Samantha (I got her when I was younger), Josephina, Saige, and a "My American Girl" doll. I got her when I was a kid as well. I chose the hair, eye, and skin color. Her outfit is one my mom made for Olivia's dolls.

The girls and their dolls.
Those are Molly and Emily dolls behind them. Lori already has Molly from when she was younger. She was tempted to get Emily (Molly's best friend) but resisted. ;)

After some shopping at American Girl and Apple we headed off to....the Space needle.

On our way to the monorail we saw police officers on horses.

I love this guy! He's the one who makes all this happen. Master vacation booker that he is.

Olivia and Lori on the monorail 

Look up

View from the South

There's Safeco and Quest fields

Smiling 520 feet up

Olivia pretended she was hanging on the ledge of the needle. She was! Just not the outer ledge.

Lori made this a special trip for these girls. They love their Aunt.

Kissing up high.


  1. WHat a fun trip!!! And the perfect time of year too :)

  2. So much fun! I'm glad you got to do so much. The girls must have been in heaven at the American Girl store. What a special moment to have a trip with just them. :)


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