Man Alive he's 5!!

Aidan's 5th Birthday Party was celebrated on Saturday August 31, 2013

It was a simple gathering with Grandma and Grandpa Morales and Aunt Bel...and Kevin.
Aunt Bel brought Kevin, the giant Minion from the movie Despicable Me.

Aidan loves ice cream more than cake and he likes s'mores so we got him a Dairy Queen S'mores blizzard cake. 


He's been asking for Captain Hook's ship the Jolly Roger.

I love the way he says Jolly Roger. :)

Knights to go with his Imaginext castle. He was so excited.

Angry Birds Star Wars game! It's one he gets too. So fun.

New Hot Wheels. Tyler enjoyed it as well!

The girls enjoy the new toys too.

No one was sure they wanted to beat the minion with a stick to get the candy and prizes out. So Grandpa to the rescue for Kevin! He dumped the candy out instead.

It's almost as fun as beating a Piñata right?!
The plan is to use it for Olivia's birthday party. There will be more kids to beat it then. Hehe

Tuesday September 3rd was his birthday. It was a low key day but I wanted to let him do something fun so I took him to the Splash park to run around and enjoy life.

He didn't like to get too close to the water though. A few sprinkles on his back and he was happy.

Then his birthday dinner. Waffles with strawberries and whip cream. 

Aidan, there's so much sweetness in you. Your hugs are adorable. You have such a desire to do what's good. You're obedient and are quick to clean up when asked and have the desire to help. Your demeanor is one of kindness and tenderness. You have a sensitive spirit and hate to be in trouble. I hate when you are in trouble as well.

 You love music! I enjoy listening to you sing and dance. When there's a new found song you like to listen to you ask Dad to put it on "your" iPod. One of your most favorite things is playing video games. So much so that the remotes have been locked in a file cabinet to keep you from getting up at 3 a.m. to play. We both get more sleep this way. ;) Still, you're very bright and have a desire to learn anything electronic. Doing ABC and number games on a computer keep you learning in more ways than one. I have no doubt you'll know more about electronics than me some day. You will be teaching me for sure. 

Speaking of teaching, you teach me all the time. Just watching you pull out all your handouts from your primary class and telling me what each one is about. You teach kindness and forgiveness everyday just among your siblings. 

Aidan you are funny! You like to be silly and make me laugh. You are a wonderful story teller. You love books. You ask for books every night. You are a great reminder for Family Home Evening. You enjoy FHE and want to have it more than just Monday evenings. You enjoy scripture reading as well. Aidan, you are such a great example to me. I pray you will always have these qualities about you. That your testimony in the gospel and all that's good will always be strong. I pray you'll always have the desire to do what is right. 

I love the relationship we have and hope it only gets better as you get older. Aidan I love you! 
Happy Birthday.


  1. THat is awesome!!! LOL, i just had to laugh :)

  2. What a sweetheart! He looks so grown up... but I guess I say the same thing about Maybrie, so it makes sense he's growing too! That minion is awesome, I don't think we could've broken it either. Thomas loves Despicable Me right now, especially the minions... He points as the screen laughing and says "That funny!" over and over. Kids are great! Miss you guys!


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