Sunday Thoughts

I know that I have a lot to catch up on but tonight as I'm heading to bed I was thinking about today. I felt the spirit so much and I love how I feel. Saturday I watched the RS general conference meeting. I loved how the 2nd counselor of the RS talked about a mother who didn't feel she got much out of sacrament meeting. (I could definitely relate!) so this mother decided to think about her week and what she needed to repent of on Saturday so that she already knew what she needed to repent of during the sacrament on Sunday. I thought that was a smart idea so I tried it. It made today's sacrament meeting a bit easier for me. We had testimony meeting today and I heard some great ones that touched me. Yes I still had my disturbances dealing with kids but I actually felt the spirit and even better...I got the confirming answer of something I had been praying about all week. I wondered if it was just my thought or an answer from my Father in Heaven for real. But then I realized that when that answer came to my mind, it literally popped into my mind. It sort of interrupted my current thought. I can't deny the warmth and feeling I had at that moment.

After church we went to Bel and Chris' for dinner. It's been a while since we saw them and were grateful for the time to visit and catch up. We stayed for a couple hours then headed back home. We got the kids set up with a movie and popcorn. We've been letting Lindsey do a bit of babysitting for us when we have church meetings. She stays and watches the kids for us during adult sessions of stake conference, a fireside to meet the new mission president, and now a ward Q & A session/fireside. I leave my phone with Lindsey so she can text if she needs help and we can get to her in minutes with the church so close. It's good training for her. :)

So we went to this fireside tonight. It's just our ward and the stake presidency and their wives. They have a number we can text questions to. All questions are anonymous. (they do this for the adult session of stake conference as well) I love our stake presidency. They have wonderful, scripture based answers. Then their wives got up and spoke directly to the point of the questions. Many were about parenting. I love sister Montierth and Sister Hadley's stories they shared and points of advice. Sister Montierth shared a story...some kids were supposed to set the irrigation lines in the field (they're farmers). Their dad said to line them up to the marker he set. They kept getting it crooked and he was getting upset. He moved the marker closer on the hill instead of behind it so they could see the marker better, then eft the kids to it. They were worried because they just couldn't line up the sprinkler lines right even though they got close. So one of the boys pulled the marker out of the ground and moved it next to the line they laid. When their dad came back he said great! I knew you could do it! Sister Montierth's point of the story was that sometimes we need to adjust our expectations. That was something for me to contemplate.

After the fireside we had refreshments and visited with friends. Jaime and I walked home talking about what we'd learned and felt. We came home to happy kids. They got ready for bed and went to bed so well! So yes, this day has been a good Sunday and I'm happy to go to bed with my heart full.


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